Get in the seat and drive your car to kill some eldritch gods!

Use your mouse to play:
-Turn the steering wheel to move (turn it 90 degrees to move at the fastest speed)
-Hold the fire button to shoot (the hood ornament shows where you are shooting)
-Pull down and hold the "RELOAD" pulley to reload (it should start inserting ammo once its about halfway down the screen)

Other stuff:
-F to toggle fullscreen (only on downloadable version)
-N to mute sounds
-M to mute music
-T to show timer (you also see your final time once you beat the game)
-Esc to pause (timer doesnt stop while paused!)

Made for the Bossrush Jam 2025.

Art by Sulfur-Cretin
Music by LMGLolo
Code and Sounds by CheeseBaron2

Download the game for a slightly nicer experience.


Download 46 MB


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Wow, that's gotta be best game on i've ever played. Gameplay, music and artstyle - all perfect


This game was incredibly fun to pla

Got shot in the middle of writing comment, RIP